Five Things to Avoid in a Pennsylvania Divorce Case
As a person approaches a Pennsylvania divorce case, he or she likely is aware of many of the tasks that will need to be done. On the other hand, a person may not be as closely focused on things that must be avoided in a divorce case. These are five primary things to avoid in […]
Understanding Marital Assets and Debts in Divorce
In the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, divorce courts apply what is known as the equitable division standard when it comes to addressing the distribution of marital assets and debts in divorce proceedings. Oftentimes a party to a divorce case has a certain level of confusion regarding the issue of marital assets and debts in divorce proceedings. […]
What Happens in a Civil Annulment Case
Three different court procedures exist to address a marriage that is not working. The most widely used process is divorce. In the alternative, a couple could also file for legal separation. This typically is done if there exists a religious opposition on the part of the couple to divorce. Finally, in a very limited set […]
Divorce in the 21st Century and Pet Visitation
Pets typically are considered the equivalent of family members. As a result, when a couple divorces, issues surrounding a pet can be hotly contested. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been some changes in the laws in some states designed to recognize the unique role pets play in the lives of individuals […]
How to Relinquish Custody in a Divorce Case
There are instances in which a parent during or after a divorce proceeding reaches a juncture at which he or she has the need to relinquish voluntarily legal and physical custody rights. In some cases this needs to be done for an indefinite period of time. For example, if a parent is being sent on […]
Prepare a Child to Testify at Custody Hearing
Courts typically do not favor having a child testify at a child custody hearing. This particularly is the case when a child is young. A court may be less reluctant to permit the testimony of an older child at a hearing or divorce trial. Despite the reservations of the court in permitting a child to […]
Overview of Community Property in Divorce
Nine states and Puerto Rico utilize the community property standard in divorce cases. The remainder of the states, as well as other U.S. jurisdictions like the District of Columbia, use the equitable division of property standard in divorce proceedings. The nine states that use the community property standard in divorce cases are Arizona, California, Idaho, […]
Preparing a Divorce Financial Disclosure Statement
At the commencement of a divorce case, each party to the proceedings must complete what are known as divorce financial disclosure statements. Before a person commences the process of preparing a financial disclosure statement, there is some basic information to understand about the process and the document itself. Collecting Supporting Data The typical divorce financial […]
Create a Child Custody Checklist
The issue of child custody tends to be one of the most contentious points of many divorce cases. With this in mind, if you are heading towards a divorce case you must be proactive. This includes developing a strategy should child custody become a hotly contested issue in the case. The starting point in developing […]
Benefits of Child Custody Mediation
Child custody mediation is becoming more commonplace in jurisdictions across the United States. There are some courts that mandate child custody mediation in certain circumstances. Mediation of this nature brings divorcing or divorced parents together with a professional mediator. A mediator does not make decisions for a couple like a divorce judge. A mediator facilitates […]