Visitation | Establishing a Visitation Schedule in Montgomery County, PA

Visitation, also known as custody order, is a court order establishing the rights of a non-custodial parent in regard to contact with a child. Issues surrounding custody or parenting time can be complicated and contentious in a good many cases. This underscores the need for capable legal counsel when it comes to a custody matter. There exist a variety of circumstances in which an attorney is crucial
Establishing Visitation Rights
A divorcing couple may not be able to reach an agreement when it comes to parenting time for the non-custodial party. Indeed, the entire matter of custody may be in dispute. This state of affairs necessitates a court to make a final decision regarding custody and parenting time right. An attorney experienced in custody and visitation matters understands how to successful maneuver through the Pennsylvania Montgomery County family court system on behalf of a client.
Denying Visitation
Unfortunately, conflict between parties to a divorce does not necessarily end when a decree is handed down. A situation might arise in which a custodial parent wrongfully denies the other parent court-ordered custody. An attorney can fight to ensure that the non-custodial parent's custody rights are restored and protected -- and that the custodial parent appropriately is sanctioned by the court.
There may be a situation in which restricting custody seems to be an appropriate course for a custodial parent to take. If that is the case, the custodial parent needs to obtain court approval. Legal representation is vital when making a case to the court that parenting time should be restricted or suspended or even supervised.
Changing Custody Order
Stability in a child's life is vital. Consequently, in order for a custody or visitation order to be modified, there must exist a significant reason for doing so. These can include both positive or negative developments associated with the existing visitation schedule.
Failure to Return Child
If a non-custodial parent fails to return a child at the scheduled conclusion of visitation, serious consequences can be imposed pursuant to Pennsylvania law .
Temporary Visitation Pennsylvania law includes provisions for temporary visitation in certain circumstances:
If a Pennsylvania court does may not have jurisdiction to modify a child custody order, the court may nonetheless issue a temporary order enforcing a visitation schedule made by a court of another state. A Pennsylvania court can also issue a temporary order of a court in another state failed to enter a parenting time order.
A person in need of an attorney in a custody case can contact the Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C. To arrange a consultation, please give us a call at (610) 624-2300 or contact us by submitting the form at top left.