Prenuptial Agreements | Pre - Marital Contracts

Fairness and Predictability with a Prenuptial Agreement
Marriage is more than just the coming together of two people in love. In the final analysis, a marriage is also something of a business venture. A married couple is bound together financially, not only during the course of a marriage but during an after a divorce should the marriage fail. If a marriage does fail, the court can end up being the ultimate arbiter about financial matters. With that in mind, a customized prenuptial agreement makes sense for many couples contemplating marriage.
A key element of a typical prenuptial agreement is defining and identifying assets that are separate property. By doing so, there is far less uncertainty about what are and are not separate versus marital assets.
A prenuptial agreement may also set forth some specific agreed-to terms regarding a separation or divorce should a marriage fail. For example, the agreement may delineate the manner in which certain types of marital assets and debts will be distributed between the parties.
In some cases, there exists a disparity between the wealth of the parties at the time of marriage. One party may possess a more significant number of assets at the start of the marriage. For example, one of the parties may own part of a business. A prenuptial agreement makes it clear that these assets are not a part of the marital estate. The agreement does protect the wealthier spouse from overreach by the one with fewer assets at the time of the marriage.
An experienced attorney can explain the mechanics of a prenuptial agreement to a client. At the Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C. our legal team believes that an informed client is better able to protect his or her rights and interests. Our firm is happy to schedule a no-cost initial consultation to discuss the necessity and parameters of a prenuptial agreement.
Call (610) 624-2300 or complete an inquiry form to schedule your consultation.