Montgomery County Child Custody Lawyers
Custody Attorneys in Norristown, PA

Cases involving child custody issues can be some of the most legally complicated and emotionally challenging of all judicial proceedings. The lawyers in our firm have the depth of experience necessary to protect the rights and interests of our clients in even the most complex cases.
The guiding principle in any Pennsylvania child custody case is the best interests of the child. Our legal team never loses focus of this objective and ensures that our clients' interests are protected in the process as well.
Pennsylvania law recognizes two basic custody categories: physical and legal. Physical custody involves issues including a child's residential situation and parenting time (or visitation) with the non-custodial parent. A number of different types of physical custody arrangements are possible pursuant to Pennsylvania law. Legal custody centers on the ability of a parent to make major life decisions on behalf of a minor child.
The attorneys at our firm work closely with our clients in custody cases to determine what type of custodial arrangement furthers the best interests of a child. Our legal team is skilled at negotiating custody agreements as well as fully litigating these issues when necessary.
No matter which course we end up taking -- negotiating a custody agreement or litigating the matter -- our legal team always considers the goals and objectives of our clients. We fully understand how important issues regarding child custody and parenting time or visitation are to our clients during and after divorce proceedings.