Property Settlement Agreement
Property Settlement Agreement PSA or MSA

A property settlement agreement (also known as a marital settlement agreement) is designed to establish the rights and responsibilities at the conclusion of a divorce. A property settlement agreement is negotiated and then drafted during divorce proceedings. If a final agreement is reached, it addresses a wide range of issues that include divisions of property and debt as well as child custody, parenting time and child support matters. The agreement might also include a provision for alimony.
Once drafted and signed by the parties, a property settlement agreement is submitted to the court for review and approval. If acceptable to the court, the agreement is incorporated into the final divorce decree entered in a case.
A property settlement agreement is not necessary in all cases. For example, if a couple has limited assets or no children, this type of agreement may not be needed. An experienced divorce lawyer can advise of the necessity of a property settlement agreement in a particular case.
A property settlement agreement is a binding contract between the parties to a divorce. The parties can amend the terms of the agreement with mutual consent.
A divorce case is an emotionally challenging and legally complicated matter. Retaining an attorney is fundamental to protecting a party's rights and interests in a divorce case. This particularly includes the negotiation and drafting of a property settlement agreement. The legal team at the Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C. stands ready to assist people facing divorce. The attorneys at the firm have extensive experience in negotiating and drafting effective property settlement agreements. To arrange a consultation, please give us a call at (610) 624-2300 or contact us by submitting the form at top right.