Benefits of Child Custody Mediation

child custody mediation

Child custody mediation is becoming more commonplace in jurisdictions across the United States. There are some courts that mandate child custody mediation in certain circumstances.

Mediation of this nature brings divorcing or divorced parents together with a professional mediator. A mediator does not make decisions for a couple like a divorce judge. A mediator facilitates an environment in which a couple is able to reach a settlement regarding child custody issues.

Child Custody Mediation and the Best Interests of a Child

No matter the specific objectives of a particular parent in a custody dispute, the ultimate goal of the process is ensuring that the best interests of a child are met. One of the fundamental benefits of mediation is keeping the process on track to meeting the best interests of a child. A child custody mediator is specially trained to understand the parameters associated with this judicial standard.

Lowers Conflict

In divorce and post-divorce proceedings, child custody and related issues are nearly always some of the most emotionally charged. Involving a professional mediator nearly always lessens the level of conflict between the parents.

Lowers Cost

Another key benefit of child custody mediation is reduced costs. Attorney fees can mount rapidly. This particularly can be the case if parents end up battling over child custody, parenting time and support issues. The intervention of a trained, professional mediator typically expedites the process, lowering all costs associated with a child custody matter.

Parental Control Over Decision Making

Courts usually have a preference for parents negotiating a settlement of child custody issues. If parents fail in this pursuit, a judge steps in and makes decisions for the parents. Through mediation, parents remain in the driver’s seat and have true control over the custody decision making process.

Child Custody Mediation Shortens Length of Case

Custody disputes are notorious for dragging on in court. A disputed, unsettled custody case necessitates at least one and oftentimes more court hearings. Engaging a child custody mediator oftentimes significantly speeds up the pace of proceedings.

Information on available child custody mediators typically is available through the office of the clerk of the court or individual judges’ administrative assistants. In addition, a growing number of attorneys have come to understand that they can better serve the interests of their clients by providing them information on the mediation process and about individual mediators. A mediator will meet with a couple and outline the process, and usually does so at no cost to the parties.